Through generous donations from Providence Hospital and Columbia Memorial Hospital, the Clatsop Community College Nursing Program is enriching the learning experience for future nurses. The contributions including a radiant...
Explore Personal & Professional enrichment to learn something new
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Explore career options and job opportunities in your local community. Bring copies of your resume for an opportunity to meet...
This is a regular monthly Board of Education meeting. For agendas and board packet information, please visit:
...The Nursing Club in collaboration with Clatsop Animal Assistance invite you to cuddle some kitties and even pursue adoption if...
Join the CCC Math department in celebrating Pi Day! The Pi Day & College Fair will be held on Saturday,...
Through generous donations from Providence Hospital and Columbia Memorial Hospital, the Clatsop Community College Nursing Program is enriching the learning experience for future nurses. The contributions including a radiant...
Clatsop Community College (CCC) is actively involved in a wetland restoration project at South Tongue Point, an ecological site owned by the college. On Thursday morning, Feb. 13th, students...
Clatsop Community College’s Royal Nebeker Art Gallery proudly announced the award winners for the fifteenth annual juried exhibition, Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century, during the community...
We are excited to announce our annual Nursing & Allied Health Job & Career Fair, scheduled for Monday, March 3rd, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This year, the...
TIP: When using the Online Class Schedule, use the “Select Term” dropdown to filter offered classes by “Spring 2025” term.