Clatsop Community College and the Fort George Brewery are pleased to announce the April event for the 2018-19 first Thursday Ales & Ideas lectures. On Thursday April 4th, CCC will team up with Astoria’s Forest Visions Project to host Building a Green Future: Prepare for the Tsunami of Positive Change with Tom Bender–Educator, Architect, Author, and Sustainability Strategic Planner, widely respected internationally, and known locally for his design work with the Manzanita Public Library, Bank of Astoria Manzanita branch, Fire Mountain School, and other visionary place-based design projects. Doors open with food and beverage service at 6pm. Seasonal beers on tap, food and other beverages are available for purchase, but no purchase is required. Minors are welcome. The Fort George Lovell Showroom is located at 14th and Duane St. in Astoria.
In the preface to his book The Heart of Place, Manzanita’s Tom Bender writes, “Not knowing or being part of the song of place is to live with an empty heart—the emptiness of a heart evolved over millennia in resonance with that great and powerful song and aching in the absence of its touch. The illusory separateness and self-centeredness to which we dedicate our lives and society is an immense poverty and meagerness if we know even a glimpse of its alternative.” This month’s slide presentation will present images from Bender’s prolific career in architecture and sustainable economics, while also envisioning a future: How can we move towards a LIVING Place to LIVE, Transforming Rage to Love, while recognizing What and Why Everything is Changing. Come listen, learn, ask questions and remember, as Tom’s Economics of True Sustainability argues that, “We can live better on less.”
Tom Bender is one of our nation’s founders of sustainable architecture and economics. Formerly an associate professor of architecture in the University of Minnesota, his Project Ouroboros was one of the first demonstrations of “resource-self-reliant houses,” and his 1975 essay “Sharing Smaller Pies” is noted for coining the term “sustainability” in architecture and beyond. Longtime co-editor of RAIN: Journal of Appropriate Technology, Bender has published hundreds of articles, half a dozen books, and won national and international awards for his work in economics, design, and sustainable communities. His depth of experience working with life-force (chi) energies in our surroundings is revealed in his own architectural work to create places that move our hearts, change our lives, and bring fullness to our spirits. In local application demonstrating these concepts, he has been a co-founder of Fire Mountain School, the Lower Nehalem Community Trust, NeahCasa, and the Cart’m project. He lives on Neahkahnie Mountain, and many of his writings are available on his website at
Non-Discrimination Declaration
It is the policy of Clatsop Community College that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, gender, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment. Questions or complaints should be directed to Leslie Hall, Affirmative Action/Gender Equity (Title IX) Officer, Towler Hall, Suite 110, sends e-mail) 503-338-2450; TDD 503-338-2468. The Title II/Section 504 Coordinator, Shelly Alford, is located in Towler Hall, Suite 312C, sends e-mail) 503-338-2474.
Persons having questions about or a request for special needs and accommodation should contact JoAnn Zahn, Vice President of Finance and Operations, at Clatsop Community College, 1651 Lexington Avenue, Astoria, Oregon 97103, Library Suite 110, sends e-mail) Phone (503) 338-2421 or TDD (503) 338-2468. Please send special needs and accommodations requests here. Contact should be made at least two business days in advance of the event.
Declaración de no-discriminación
Es la política de Clatsop Community College que no habrá ningún tipo de discriminación o acoso por razón de raza, color, sexo, género, estado civil, religión, origen nacional, edad, orientación sexual, identidad de género o expresióno discapacidad en los programas educativos, actividades o en la contratación. Preguntas o quejas deben ser dirigidas al Leslie Hall, Oficial de Acción Afirmativa / Título IX localizado en Towler Hall número 110, sends e-mail) número de teléfono 503-338-2450, TDD (discapacidad auditiva) 503-338-2468. El Coordinador de la Titulo II/Sección 504, Shelly Alford, se encuentra en Towler Hall, numero 312C, sends e-mail) número de teléfono 503-338-2474. Para ADA y otras peticiones de servicios llame al 503-338-2474 o para TDD (discapacidad auditiva) 503-338-2468.
Ayuda a personas discapacitadas
En cuanto a las personas discapacitadas, se les pide que se comuniquen con JoAnn Zahn, la Vice Presidente de Finanzas y Operaciones en Clatsop Community College, 1651 Lexington Avenue, Astoria, Oregon 97103, Library Suite 110, sends e-mail) número teléfonico (503) 338-2421 o a TDD (503) 338-2468. Haga el favor de notificar a la oficina para que se le pueda proporcionar apoyo. La comunicación debe tomar lugar por lo menos dos días de trabajo antes del evento por el cual se requiera tal ayuda. Para más información, vea la página Web de Clatsop Community College bajo Información en Español.