Your Canvas Login
See tabs below for CANVAS login instructions and navigation.
If you try to login and you get a message that your username or password is incorrect, contact Kirsten Horning for help. (503) 338-2341
Trying to Login?
After choosing the Canvas login links above, enter your username and password (see below) and select login.
To be consistent with other campus logins,
Students admitted after 6/15/20, email address = first name.last .
Students admitted before 6/15/20, email address may be first initial + last name + last four digits of your Clatsop Student ID# +
New students, if you applied online you created your own password. If not, your Office 365 password was randomly generated and sent to the personal email address you originally furnished to the College. If the password does not work, or if you did not receive or can’t find the email, contact the First Stop to have them reset and resend your password or call (503) 338-2411 for assistance.
Canvas will be using your student email as the address to reach you electronically. Messages sent to you from Canvas will go to your CCC student email. See information on how to access your account on the Login Help page . Please check your email account often for messages from your instructors and fellow Canvas students. In addition, Canvas has an Inbox feature. Inbox is a messaging tool used to communicate with a course, a group, an individual student, or a group of students. You can use the Inbox to communicate with other people in your course at any time. The Canvas Inbox is not email.
Remember to login to your class and start participating right away. Instructors will be taking student attendance the first week and the registrar’s office will be doing an administrative drop of students who have not checked in with the instructor and/or completed any assignments by Thursday of the first week of class.
Canvas shuts down for system maintenance and upgrades on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month from 1:05 am to 3:05 am.
Please be aware that the system will not be available at this time. Make sure to clear your browsing history during that time to avoid difficulties logging in after the maintenance period.
Here are a few handy checklists adapted from lists shared with us by Portland Community College. They can help students keep track of the important details and tasks that need to be completed each term. Visit these checklists regularly to ensure that you are on track to succeed.