Community Education


Have a question about teaching a class or workhop?

Send an email to
or call 503-338-2408.


Teach a Class or Workshop

Classes are taught by Community Members
for Community Members.

At CCC, we strive to offer a variety of classes that enrich lives and inspire learning in our community. Community Ed non-credit classes are taught by community members who want to share their knowledge and expertise with others. We are always looking for passionate instructors with experience in their field and a love of teaching.

Community Ed instructors are hired on a class-by-class basis, and offerings vary from term-to-term. Please consult for a sample of our current offerings.

All new instructors are encouraged to attend a one hour Community Ed orientation before their first term of teaching.

In the Community Ed Dept, we expect our instructors to be:

Passionate and Engaged

Respectful, Considerate and Kind

Professional and Punctual

Prepared, yet Adaptable

If this sounds like you, and you have a great idea for a class or workshop,  please consider submitting a course proposal to teach during an upcoming term.

Please note, the hourly rate for a beginning Community Ed instructor is between $18.44 and $24.86/hr (depending on the type of course). As public employees, instructors may not use their position to promote or sell products or services.