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PCs and iMacs are available for student use on both Library floors, 18 desktops units in total. 42 laptops are also available for student checkout. Printers are located on both floors.
The Library also provides three computers for public (non-student) access. Check-in at the Circulation Desk is required before use. No ID is required. These computers are provided to the public with the expectation that users have a basic understanding of both computer software and the internet. The public access computers are stationed in the Library Lounge, a community space where conversation and interaction are encouraged. Please read a more thorough description of our Public Computer Guidelines (.doc 40KB).
The entire campus, including the library, is now equipped to provide wireless access to all students, as well as to guests. If you have problems accessing wireless service please ask the library staff for assistance.
Students may check out laptops in the Library for in-house use (limited take-home use is also available). iPads are currently reserved for class instruction only. Ask at the Circulation Desk for details.
The Library Learning Commons is located on the upper (third) floor of the Library. This open study area offers a casual, collaborative learning space complete with computers, mobile whiteboards, a Mediascape station, and on-site tutoring assistance, not to mention an incredible view. For more information, inquire at the Circulation Desk.
Semi-private study rooms are available to CCC students and staff during regular library hours. The use of the study rooms is on a “first-come, first-served” basis, and users are required to check in with library staff at the Circulation Desk prior to occupancy. Advance reservation is not necessary, but rooms may be reserved up to one week in advance if a specific day/time is desired. Rooms use is limited to 3 hours per day (total) per person/group.
Drinks with lids are fine, but no food is allowed in the study rooms. Library staff reserves the right to ask any user to vacate the room for any reason.
Chart Room
The Chart Room is located on the upper (third) floor in the Northwest corner of the library. A user pass is required (ask at the circulation desk).
Desdemona Room
The Desdemona Room is located on the main (second) floor in the Northeast corner of the library. A user pass is required (ask at the circulation desk).
Portway Room
The Portway Room is located on the main (second) floor in the Northwest corner of the library. A user pass is required (ask at the circulation desk).
Family Study Room
The CCC Library proudly offers a family-friendly study room for our students with children. Located just inside the main entrance to the library (next to the bathrooms), the space is specifically for use by CCC student parents/guardians and their children. For more info see our Family Friendly Study Room page.