
Cooperative Work Experience

What is Cooperative Work Experience?

Internships build a bridge from college to career. Students can earn college credit while gaining valuable on-the-job training for career success.

Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) is a program that allows students to earn college credit for working in the community in a career area related to the student’s academic goals. Depending on the program, students can earn up to 18 credits on the job.

Students work in positions which allow them to demonstrate the skills they have gained during their academic training. Prior to beginning the work experience, students create individual learning objectives in cooperation with an identified Worksite Supervisor. Student learning objectives are reviewed and approved by the student’s Faculty Advisor and/or Program Supervisor. Student learning objectives are consistent with program outcomes and guide student learning during the term.

Student learning is monitored by Cooperative Work Experience staff. Students participate in regular monitoring meetings. Students submit required paperwork and are evaluated by their Worksite Supervisor. Students assume greater responsibility on the job as the work experience progresses.

Prerequisite: None, however, students must have adequate academic training to be successful in an entry-level position. Registration requires the signature of the Cooperative Work Experience Program Manager.

Co-requisite: None

Students enrolling in Cooperative Work Experience may also choose to participate in a one-credit Career Readiness seminar to prepare them for the entire journey of choosing the right career, finding a job, and succeeding in the workplace. The seminar can be taken either before, during, or after the cooperative work experience, but it is no longer a required co-requisite. It is OPTIONAL.

CWE will be listed with a prefix related to the student’s program of study and the course number.


Welding CWE = WLD280

Welding CWE Seminar = WLD281

Automotive CWE = AUTO280

Automotive CWE Seminar = AUTO281

Business CWE = BA280

Business CWE Seminar = BA281

Historic Preservation CWE =BLD280

Historic Preservation CWE Seminar =BLD281

To learn more, contact Misty Bateman; Cooperative Work Experience Program Manager


Phone (503) 338-2507