Specific information may be found on these degrees by clicking any of the degrees listed below.
Many students attend Clatsop Community College to explore academic disciplines in preparation for transfer to a four-year college or university. Others seek a broad general education as a foundation for specialization during their junior and senior years at a four-year institution. For both purposes, the Associate of Arts, Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree can further a student’s seamless transfer.
Students earning the AAOT complete lower division requirements at Clatsop Community College. Once a student completes the AAOT at Clatsop you can transfer to one of Oregon’s seven (7) public universities and have the AAOT degree accepted as a complete package, meaning you will have all the lower division General Education requirements for a baccalaureate degree accepted. For many students this results in being admitted with junior standing, just as if you had spent your first two years at that university – except for a much more sensible cost!
However, some departments within the Oregon University System (OUS) may require additional courses for admittance with junior standing. It is always best for students to confer with an advisor at Clatsop and with an advisor at the OUS university/department to which they expect to transfer concerning the requirements of their specific baccalaureate major.
Several Oregon private colleges also accept the AAOT quite favorably. Again, please see your faculty advisor at Clatsop for more information and guidance to make the most of your transfer to a four-year college or university once you earn your AAOT here!
Details of the requirements for the AAOT are available in the current college catalog.
Applied Science programs provide the skills and work experience you’ll need to qualify for employment. With the help of a local industry advisory committee, each program is carefully planned to meet the needs of the current job market. Instruction is provided by trained, experienced professionals, and classes are conducted in an industry-like work setting. Cooperative Work Experience in each degree provides on-the-job experience with local employers in the field.
Clatsop Community College offers the Associate of Applied Science in the following technical fields:
- Accounting Technician
- Automotive Technician
- Business Management
- Criminal Justice
- Fire Science
- Historic Preservation & Restoration
- Maritime Science: Vessel Operations
- Nursing
- Welding & Fabrication
Additional information about each of these degrees is also available in the college catalog.
The Associate of General Studies (AGS) degree provides students flexibility in using a variety of college-level courses (generally 100-level or above) to design a two-year degree program in broad interdisciplinary areas. These courses can come from general education, academic, or collegiate-level professional-technical courses found in the college catalog to the meet Clatsop Community College’s general associate degree requirements.
The AGS can be tailored to your needs and interests while maintaining high general education standards. You will work closely with an academic advisor at Clatsop in designing your individual degree plan of study, including identifying 36 credits or more from a cluster of related courses. The cluster of courses should be set as soon as possible after enrollment, but no later than the term prior to the term in which you plan to graduate.
The college is in the process of identifying several pre-approved clusters representing common interests or non-OUS transfer plans. Clusters for Women’s Studies and for Art have been defined. Contact student services/admissions for details.
Please note: Students planning to transfer to a public four-year institution within Oregon should complete the AAOT degree, which is articulated statewide with the Oregon University System four-year colleges and universities.
The Associate of Science, Oregon Transfer Degree in Business provides you an opportunity to complete the first two years of a four-year business degree at Clatsop Community College. This degree allows you to complete all of the lower division general education requirements of Oregon University System institutions.
However, some lower division course requirements must be satisfied for business programs at the Oregon University System institution. When you identify the Oregon University System institution to which you plan to transfer, you should work closely with your academic advisor at Clatsop since each university has its unique lower division business program prerequisite requirements, including, in some cases, grade point average.
You should also confer with a business advisor at the university to which you intend to transfer to ensure that you are satisfying all of their requirements for admission into the business program. Clatsop Community College may not offer all of these lower division business program prerequisite requirements.
More information is available in the current college catalog.
Information coming soon.
- Career Pathway: typically 12-18 credits of coursework that provides a specific subset of skills.
- Less than One-year: less than 45 credits of coursework.
- One-year: requires a minimum of 45 credits.
Clatsop Community College offers certificate programs that provide the skills and work experience needed to qualify for employment in the designated career. With the help of a local industry advisory committee, each program is carefully planned to meet the needs of the current job market. Instruction is provided by trained, experienced professionals, and classes are conducted in an industry-like work setting. Cooperative Work Experience for each certificate program provides on-the-job experience with local employers in the field.
The following Certificate of Completion programs include general education courses to assure a basic understanding of writing, mathematics, and human relations. While these courses may not be specifically intended for transfer to four-year colleges or universities, most of these general education courses are currently accepted for transfer. In most cases, the Professional/Technical courses can be transferred to other community colleges which offer similar programs. If you are planning to transfer, consult with appropriate representatives of the school you are planning to attend and with your Clatsop Community college advisor.
Clatsop’s One-Year Certificates (at least 45 credits) include the following:
- Automotive
- Business Professional
- Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CADD)
- Historic Preservation & Restoration
- Maritime Science: Seamanship
- Medical Assistant
- Welding (American Welding Society Entry-Level)
Certificate course requirements are found in the current college catalog.
Clatsop Community College offers several certificates of completion for course of study less than one year. These courses of study a prepare the student for entry level employment in the field studied.
The courses of study for Pathways Certificates are wholly contained in a parent one-year certificate or associate of applied science degree. Students can begin their study for the parent certificate or degree by completing the Career Pathway requirements. At that point students are prepared to enter employment in the field if they choose to, then continue study to receive the parent recognition.
Career Pathway Certificates of Completion details are found in the current college catalog.
The Maritime Science Department also provides training required for United States Coast Guard licensing of maritime personnel. For details, click here
Career Pathways
Career Pathways are a series of educational programs that enables individuals to gain employment advantages in a targeted occupation or industry. By completing a Career Pathways Certificate Program at Clatsop Community College, students increase their qualifications for work opportunities, and then may advance over time to successively higher levels of education and employment.
Career Pathways provides avenues for career advancement for current workers, reentry into the job force for displaced workers, and opportunities for new entrants into the labor market. It creates entry points into the labor force and promotes educational attainment related to local industry needs.
By targeting jobs of importance to the local economy, the Career Pathways Program also provides a supply of qualified workers for area employers.
Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs
Clatsop Community College offers Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in Automotive Technician, Business-Accounting or Management, Computer Aided Design and Drafting, Computer Science, Construction Trades and Apprenticeship, Criminal Justice, Emergency Medical Technician, Fire Science, Historic Preservation and Restoration, Maritime-Vessel Operation or Seamanship, Medical Assistant, Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant, Welding. Clatsop Community College has an open admission policy. Students must apply for admission and register for credit-bearing classes. The college will take steps to ensure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission, participation in career training education programs, or access to services or activities.
The college provides equal opportunity in education and in employment per state and federal law. The college prohibits discrimination against race, color, sex, gender, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or disability in any educational program or activity. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding Title IX/504 compliance, nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, affirmative action, and the Americans with Disabilities Act policies:
Naomi Garbutt, Affirmative Action/Gender Equity (Title IX) Officer
Towler Hall Suite 110
503-338-2450; TDD 503-338-2468
Christine Riehl, Title II/Section 504 Coordinator
Towler Hall Suite 312a
Aviso Anual de No Discriminación en Programas de Educación Profesional y Técnica
Clatsop Community College ofrece programas de Educación Profesional y Técnica (CTE) en Técnico Automotriz, Contabilidad o Administración de Negocios, Diseño y Dibujo Asistido por Computadora, Ciencias de la Computación, Comercio y Aprendizaje en Construcción, Justicia Criminal, Técnico Médico de Emergencia, Ciencias de Incendios, Preservación y Restauración Histórica, Operación de Naves Marítimas o Marinería, Asistente Médico, Asistente de Enfermería y Asistente de Enfermería Certificado, Soldadura. Clatsop Community College tiene una política de admisión abierta. Los estudiantes deben solicitar la admisión y registrarse para clases con créditos. El colegio tomará medidas para asegurar que la falta de habilidades en el idioma inglés no sea una barrera para la admisión, la participación en programas de educación para la formación profesional o el acceso a servicios y actividades.
El colegio ofrece igualdad de oportunidades en la educación y en el empleo de acuerdo con las leyes estatales y federales. El colegio prohíbe la discriminación por raza, color, sexo, género, estado civil, religión, origen nacional, edad, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género o discapacidad en cualquier programa o actividad educacional. Las siguientes personas han sido designadas para responder a las preguntas relacionadas con el cumplimiento del Título IX/504, la no discriminación, la igualdad de oportunidades, la acción afirmativa y las políticas de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades:
Naomi Garbutt, Oficial de Acción Afirmativa / Equidad de Género (Título IX)
Towler Hall Suite 110
503-338-2450; TDD 503-338-2468
Christine Riehl, Coordinadora del Título II / Sección 504
Towler Hall Suite 312A