

Books (9.13-9.17)

The date follows the author’s name and is enclosed in parentheses with a period after the last parenthesis. For books, give the year. You find most publication information inside the book on the reverse of the title page. Look for the © symbol to find the year. Give the most recent year listed.


Coleman, S. C. (2005).

Journals, Newspapers, & Magazines

Journals often contain a month and year of publication. Give only the year in the following format (Year).


Wade, K. L. & Tillman, B. (2009).

Most newspapers and magazines list a day as well as a month and year. Give all the information listed in the following format (Year, Month Day). Always spell out the month name.


Schulyer, T. (1993, September 2).

If a season or more than one month is given, treat these as you would a single month.


Riley, H. J. (2011, Fall).

Harris, C., Hall, A., & Cicero, H. D. (2004, July-August).

No date

Items without any date listed are most commonly websites, but use n.d. (for no date) for any item that does not have a publication date listed.


Johnson, K. L. (n.d.).