Fall 2024 Registration


Historic Preservation Resources

Historic Structure Report (Examples)
Historic Significance


  • Oregon State Historic Preservation Office — search for a property and view details
  • Oregon Historic Sites Database — an online database for both National Register and surveyed properties.
  • Oregon State Archives — most relevant information has not been made searchable online. However, these archives hold valuable, county-level information. You can contact a reference librarian for help with specific questions.
  • Oregon Heritage Commission — Clatsop County History Publications. Maps, illustrations, photos, surveys, and much more. Some of these publications are digitized. Others may be available through interlibrary loan or at the Clatsop County Historical Society.
  • Restore Oregon (formerly the Historic Preservation League of Oregon) — nice, multi-purpose list of relevant resources to help determine significance.
  • Historic Oregon Newspapers: a searchable newspaper database — on this site you can search and access complete content for historic Oregon newspapers.
  • Archives West — access to descriptions of primary sources in the western United States, including correspondence, diaries or photographs.
  • Sears Home Archive — from 1908–1940, Sears, Roebuck, and Company sold more than 100,000 homes through their mail-order Modern Homes program





Useful Library & Periodical Resources
  • Clatsop County Historical Society Cumtux Index — Clatsop Community College has all Cumtux issues, but this archive is searchable by keyword.
  • Clatsop Community College Historic Preservation & Restoration Digital Archive — The digital archive of Clatsop Community College’s Historic Preservation & Restoration program houses out of print books and publications including historic house plans, building details, and catalogs.
  • Clatsop County Historical Society digital archive — The Clatsop County Historical Society maintains an Archive and Research Library in the Heritage Museum documenting Clatsop County History. Many of their print artifacts are digitally available here.
  • The Building Technology Heritage Library (BTHL) is primarily a collection of American and Canadian, pre-1964 architectural trade catalogs, house plan books, and technical building guides. Trade catalogs are an important primary source to document past design and construction practices. 
  • The Ted Natt Library of the Columbia River Maritime Museum contains more than 12,500 books, periodicals, logs, ledgers, videos, manuscripts, photo albums, and other ephemera relating to local, regional, and international maritime topics, including 33,000 photos. It is open Monday and Wednesday from 1:00 to 5:00 pm or by appointment.
  • University of Oregon Historic Oregon Newspapers database — Fabulous collection of digitized newspapers from across the state including many from the north coast.
  • JSTOR — This powerful collection provides access to full-text academic journal articles, books, and primary sources. Includes Oregon Historical Quarterly from 1897 through 2018. JSTOR also includes journals such as APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology, Architectural History, Building Material, Built Environment, Construction History, Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism, The Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review, etc.
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection [EBSCO] — Provides digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912.
  • Academic Search Premier — Excellent database for newspapers, magazines, and journals
  • Academic OneFile — Another great database for newspapers, magazines, and journals
  • US Modernist Library — An outstanding repository of scanned architectural periodicals, including Architectural Record, American House Carpenter, and Sears, Roebuck, and Co. catalogs and plan books. 
Local Mapping Resources

Fall 2024
Class Registration

For Fall 2024, there is a New MyCCC Experience for registering for Academic Credit Classes. To learn more click here.

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