Questions about Talent Search?
Please watch the video to learn more
Director, Amy Magnussen
Office: (503) 325-2898
Office hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Chris Mahan
College/Career Advisor at
Knappa High School
Middle Schools: HLE & AMS
Cell #541-591-3708
Lacey Guest
College/Career Advisor at
Astoria High School
AHS Phone: 503-325-3911 ext. 6109
CCC Phone: 503-338-5734
AHS Email:
CCC Email:
Troy Henri
College/Career Advisor at
Warrenton High School
Warrenton Middle School
Cell #503-349-9668
Claudia Mendez
College/Career Advisor at
Seaside High School
Seaside Middle School
Cell #503-884-9214
Upcoming Events
Talent Search
8th Grade Field Trip to Lower Columbia College on Friday, March 7th
Click the tabs below to learn more in both English and Spanish:
Haga clic en las pestañas siguientes para obtener más información, tanto en inglés como en español:

Talent Search at CCC serves 671 students from 6th – 12th grade in cooperation with the Astoria, Warrenton, Seaside and Knappa school districts. Our mission is to help students succeed in school and develop a clear vision of their educational choices beyond high school. We recognize that parent, school and community involvement are crucial to the success of the program and the students. TS is 100% funded by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education for $387,128 annually.
TS helps our enrolled students to:
- Be successful in middle school and high school classes.
- Learn about career choices and educational options.
- Begin setting individual educational and career goals and planning how to achieve them.
- Select appropriate classes to build a foundation for their postsecondary work.
- Graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary education.
- Enter and successfully complete a postsecondary degree or certificate program.
Talent Search (TS) is a cooperative program between Clatsop Community College and the Astoria, Warrenton, Seaside and Knappa school districts. Our mission is to help students succeed in school and to go on to the further education that’s appropriate for their goals. We recognize that parent, school and community involvement are crucial to the success of the program and the students. TS is 100% funded by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Sample Talent Search Activities
- 6th and 7th grades: In small groups and in classrooms, students start to explore career interests, study skills and self-esteem. A visit to Clatsop Community College is often a highlight of the 7th grade year.
- 8th grade: Small group sessions focus on career exploration and high school readiness. Students have an opportunity to visit to a college or university.
- 9th grade: Students are involved in small group and individual work on planning high school classes and defining career interests. A field trip to a college or university is offered, usually in the spring.
- 10th & 11th grades: Students learn about the educational requirements of careers in fields related to their interests. They explore postsecondary education options, and visit colleges. College entrance requirements are emphasized. SAT/ ACT workshops are provided.
- 12th grade: Talent Search coordinators help students work through the processes of applying for college admission, scholarships and financial aid. Several field trips to colleges and universities are offered.
What is the history of Talent Search?
Nationally, Talent Search grants have existed since 1965. In 1991, Oregon’s first three TS grants began in Portland, Coos Bay, and at Clatsop Community College. The CCC TS program celebrated 30 years of service to local students in the 2021-12 school year. Over the years, our TS program has continued to grow and develop to better serve local students. We are honored to have been part of the educational experience for over 4,500 local students so far.
Talent Search: Working with the entire community to benefit area students
- School Involvement: Since beginning in 1991, Clatsop TS has built strong partnerships with classroom teachers, school counselors, administrators, and other staff. These partnerships are central to the program’s success. TS and school personnel work closely to help TS students succeed.
- Parent Involvement: Parents are key to a student’s success. TS provides information and support for the parents of TS students.
- Community Involvement: Students need to see how their success and continuing education fit into their community. TS helps students find opportunities for community service, learn to communicate with employers, and seek community mentors.
Today’s students are entering a world which demands education beyond high school for nearly all living wage jobs. We at TS work to help students:
- Learn about a wide variety of career and educational options;
- Take the high school classes they need to be ready for further education;
- Make individual plans for the future which include education after high school;
- Explore the changing nature of the job market; and,
- Complete the paperwork needed for college admission, financial aid and scholarship applications.
Our Talent Search staff work with students, parents, teachers and school counselors in a long-term approach to college and career planning. TS continues from 6th grade through college enrollment. TS provides information on careers and education, helps students identify their interests and abilities, and guides them in exploring postsecondary education options. TS helps students develop long-range plans, improve self-esteem and strengthen study skills.
Our TS students are able to benefit from program services and succeed in postsecondary education. In addition, most Talent Search students must qualify as both:
- Low-income (by federal definition);
- First generation of their family to go on to postsecondary education. Students are considered first generation if their parents have not completed four-year college degrees.
Students who do not meet both of these qualifications, but who can benefit from TS services, may be enrolled in the program if space is available.
Need help with math? Could you use a time and place to focus on homework? Talent Search can help find tutoring as needed in math or other subjects.
Amy Magnussen, Director
Lacey Guest, Astoria High School
Troy Henri, Warrenton High School & Warrenton Middle School
Claudia Mendez, Seaside High School & Seaside Middle School
Chris Mahan, Knappa High School, Hilda Lahti Elementary School, Astoria Middle School
Katherine Johnson, Program Assistant
Destini Kuller, PT Administrative Assistant
Búsqueda de Talentos en Escuela Secundaria
Contrato de estudiante para préstamo de una computadora portátil
Contrato de estudiante para préstamo de una calculadora gráfica