Upward Bound

Online Application!



Director, Amy Magnussen

Office: (503) 325-2898
Email: amagnussen@clatsopcc.edu
Office hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:00 am-5:00 pm


Lacey Guest

College/Career Advisor at
Astoria High School
AHS Phone: 503-325-3911 ext. 6109
CCC Phone: 503-338-5734
AHS Email: lguest@astoriak12.org
CCC Email: lguest@clatsopcc.edu

Troy Henri

College/Career Advisor at
Warrenton High School
Cell #503-349-9668
Email: thenri@clatsopcc.edu

Claudia Mendez

College/Career Advisor at
Seaside High School
Cell #503-884-9214
Email: cmendez@clatsopcc.edu

Upcoming Events

Upward Bound & Talent Search

9th-12th Grade Field Trip to Clatsop Community College & MERTS on Thursday, January 23rd

Click the tabs below to learn more in both English and Spanish:

Haga clic en las pestañas siguientes para obtener más información, tanto en inglés como en español:
Join us on our trip to CCC & MERTS on 1/23/25. Permission slips are due by 1/15/25.

Upward Bound (UB) at CCC serves 73 students from 9th – 12th grade in cooperation with the Astoria, Warrenton and Seaside school districts. Our mission is to help students gain the knowledge and skills to succeed in high school, go on to college and graduate college. We recognize that parent, school and community involvement are crucial to the success of the program and the students.  Clatsop Community College’s Upward Bound program is 100% funded by a US Department of Education grant in the amount of $367,181.  

Amy Magnussen, Director

Lacey Guest, Astoria High School

Troy Henri, Warrenton High School 

Claudia Mendez, Seaside High School

Katherine Johnson, Program Assistant

Destini Kuller, PT Administrative Assistant